
Marketing books

Kellogg on Marketing is an indispensable resource for any professional expected to contribute to their organization’s marketing efforts or business growth. With hundreds of pages of brand-new material on timely topics, like creating value to disrupt markets, defensive marketing strategies, strategic customer management, building strong brands, and marketing in the metaverse, the book explores foundational and advanced topics in marketing management. From managing business growth to identifying target customers, developing a meaningful value proposition, and data-driven marketing, every area relevant to marketing professionals is covered by expert contributors possessing unique insights into their respective competencies.
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Marketing books
Strategic Marketing Management: Theory and Practice is a foundational marketing management and marketing strategy textbook. It outlines the essentials of marketing theory; delineates an overarching framework for marketing analysis, planning, and management; and offers a structured approach to identifying, understanding, and solving marketing problems. This book delineates a practical approach for articulating sound marketing strategies to guide decisions involving product and service design, branding, pricing, sales promotion, communication, and distribution. This is a comprehensive text designed for full-time and part-time MBA and Executive MBA courses.
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Marketing books
Strategic Marketing Management: The Framework is a streamlined marketing management and marketing strategy textbook. An abridged version of Strategic Marketing Management: Theory and Practice,this book focuses on the core marketing frameworks, principles, and concepts. It features fewer chapters, which are also slightly shorter and do not include marketing insights sections following each chapter. This book is designed for accelerated MBA, Executive MBA, and Executive Education courses. Because it outlines an overarching framework for marketing analysis, planning, and management, this book is also a perfect complement to case-based courses and can be used as a basis for case analysis and in-class discussion.
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Marketing books

The Marketing Plan Handbook offers a comprehensive approach to crafting succinct, logical, and effective marketing plans that produce results. Whether you manage a small business seeking to formalize the planning process, a startup seeking venture capital financing, a fast-growth company considering an IPO, or a large multinational corporation, you can gain competitive advantage by translating the marketing planning process outlined in this book into a streamlined strategic document that informs your decisions and helps avoid costly missteps.
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Strategic Brand Management Alexander Chernev

Strategic Brand Management lays out a systematic approach to understanding the key principles of building enduring brands. This book presents a cohesive framework for brand management that delineates the unique role of brands as a means of creating market value. Topics covered include designing effective brand strategy and tactics, developing a brand value proposition, managing brand portfolios, cobranding, brand repositioning, brand extensions, brand valuation, and the legal aspects of protecting the brand. Clear, succinct, and practical, Strategic Brand Management is the definitive text on building strong brands.
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Marketing books
Customer Science examines the strategic principles that define the customer experience. Building on the recent findings in behavioral economics and social psychology, this book discusses the customer experience from three different perspectives: what customers do—how they identify a problem, seek a solution, and interact with the offering; what they think and feel during this process—how they evaluate different market offerings; and what motivates their behavior—why they act the way they do. The different stages of customer interaction with the company and its offerings are the foundation of the customer experience canvas, a practical tool to identify the key questions managers should ask as they strive to create impactful customer experiences.
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Marketing Management
Marketing Management collectively uses a managerial orientation, an analytical approach, a multidisciplinary perspective, universal applications, and balanced coverage to distinguish it from all other marketing management texts. Unsurpassed in its breadth, depth, and relevance, the 16th Edition features a streamlined organization of the content, updated material, and new examples that reflect the very latest market developments. After reading this landmark text, you’ll be armed with the knowledge and tools to succeed in the new market environment around you.
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Marketing books
The Business Model offers a systematic approach to identifying market opportunities and developing breakthrough business models. It presents a value-based framework for developing viable new offerings, and provides a set of practical tools for creating a meaningful value proposition that drives market success. The framework outlined in this book applies to a wide range of companies—startups and established enterprises, consumer-packaged-goods companies and business-to-business enterprises, high-tech and low-tech ventures, online and brick-and-mortar entities, product manufacturers and value-added service providers, nonprofit organizations and profit-driven companies.
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