My research applies theories and concepts related to consumer behavior and managerial decision making to develop successful marketing strategies. It has been published in the leading marketing journals including Journal of Marketing, Journal of Marketing Research, Journal of Consumer Research, and Journal of Consumer Psychology, and has been quoted in business and popular press, including Scientific American, Business Week, Forbes, Newsweek, The Wall Street Journal, Financial Times, The New York Times, and The Washington Post. A list of representative academic (peer reviewed) publications is shown below:
Branding, Compensatory Reasoning, and Halo Effects
- Chernev, Alexander and Sean Blair (2015), “Doing Well by Doing Good: The Benevolent Halo of Social Goodwill” Journal of Consumer Research (April)
- Chernev, Alexander, Ryan Hamilton, and David Gal (2011) “Competing for Consumer Identity: Limits to Self-Expression and the Perils of Lifestyle Branding,” Journal of Marketing (May). Featured in Forbes
- Chernev, Alexander and Ryan Hamilton (2008), “Compensatory Reasoning in Choice,” The Social Psychology of Consumer Behavior, Frontiers of Social Psychology (Editors: Arie Kruglanski & Joseph Forgas)
- Chernev, Alexander (2007), “Jack of All Trades or Master of One? Product Differentiation and Compensatory Reasoning in Consumer Choice,” Journal of Consumer Research, 34 (March). Featured in New York Times, Forbes, and Chicago Tribune
- Chernev, Alexander and Gregory Carpenter (2001), “The Role of Market Efficiency Intuitions in Consumer Choice: A Case of Compensatory Inferences,” Journal of Marketing Research, 38 (August)
Product Assortment and Consumer Choice
- Chernev, Alexander, Ulf Bockenholt and Joseph Goodman (2015), “Choice Overload: Conceptual Review and Meta-Analysis” Journal of Consumer Psychology (January)
- Barbara E. Kahn, Alexander Chernev, Ulf Böckenholt, Kate Bundorf, Michaela Draganska, Ryan Hamilton, Robert Meyer, and Klaus Wertenbroch(2014), “Consumer and Managerial Goals in Assortment Choice
and Design,” Marketing Letters (25) - Chernev, Alexander (2012), “Product Assortment and Consumer Choice: An Interdisciplinary Review,” Foundations and Trends in Marketing, 6 (1)
- Chernev, Alexander, Ulf Bockenholt and Joseph Goodman (2010), “Choice Overload: Is There Anything to It?” Journal of Consumer Research (October)
- Hamilton, Ryan and Alexander Chernev (2010), “Managing Product Assortments: Insights from Consumer Psychology,” in Kellogg on Marketing, 2nd ed. (Editors Alice Tybout and Bobby Calder). New York, NY: Wiley
- Chernev, Alexander and Ryan Hamilton (2009) “Assortment Size and Option Attractiveness in Consumer Choice among Retailers,“ Journal of Marketing Research (June)
- Chernev, Alexander (2008), “The Role of Purchase Quantity in Assortment Choice: The Quantity-Matching Heuristic,“ Journal of Marketing Research (April)
- Chernev, Alexander (2006), “Decision Focus and Consumer Choice among Assortments,“ Journal of Consumer Research, 33 (June)
- Chernev, Alexander (2005), “Feature Complementarity and Assortment in Choice,” Journal of Consumer Research, 31 (March)
- Chernev, Alexander (2003), “When More Is Less and Less Is More: The Role of Ideal Point Availability and Assortment in Choice,” Journal of Consumer Research, 30 (September)
- Chernev, Alexander (2003), “Product Assortment and Individual Decision Processes,” Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 85 (June). Featured in Monitor on Psychology, June 2004
Pricing and Price Image
- Hamilton, Ryan and Alexander Chernev (2013), “Low Prices are Just the Beginning: Price Image in Retail Management,“ Journal of Marketing (November)
- Brough, Aaron and Alexander Chernev (2012), “When Opposites Detract: Categorical Reasoning and Subtractive Valuations of Product Combinations” Journal of Consumer Research (August)
- Hamilton, Ryan and Alexander Chernev (2010), “The Impact of Product Line Extensions and Consumer Goals on the Formation of Price Image,“ Journal of Marketing Research (February)
- Chernev, Alexander (2006), “Differentiation and Parity in Assortment Pricing,” Journal of Consumer Research, 33 (September). Featured in U.S. News & World Report
- Chernev, Alexander (2006), “Articulation Compatibility in Eliciting Price Bids,“ Journal of Consumer Research, 33 (December)
- Chernev, Alexander (2003), “Reverse Pricing and Online Price Elicitation Strategies in Consumer Choice,” Journal of Consumer Psychology, 13 (1&2)
Consumption of Vices and Virtues
- Chernev, Alexander (2011), “The Dieter’s Paradox,” Journal of Consumer Psychology (April). Featured in Scientific American, Time Magazine, and New York Times
- Chernev, Alexander (2011), “Semantic Anchoring in Sequential Evaluations of Vices and Virtues,” Journal of Consumer Research (February). Featured in Scientific American, New York Times, and LA TImes
- Chernev, Alexander and Pierre Chandon (2010), “Calorie Estimation Biases in Consumer Choice,” in Leveraging Consumer Psychology for Effective Health Communications (Editors: Rajeev Batra, Punam Keller, Victor Strecher), M.E. Sharpe: Armonk, NY
- Chernev, Alexander and David Gal (2010), “Categorization Effects in Value Judgments: Averaging Bias in Evaluating Combinations of Vices and Virtues,“ Journal of Marketing Research (August). Featured in New York Times
Context Effects in Choice
- Chernev, Alexander (2009) “Choosing versus Rejecting: The Impact of Goal-Task Compatibility on Decision Confidence,“ Social Cognition, 27 (2)
- Chernev, Alexander (2005), “Context Effects without a Context: Attribute Balance as a Reason for Choice,” Journal of Consumer Research, 32 (September)
- Chernev, Alexander (2004), “Goal Orientation and Consumer Preference for the Status Quo,” Journal of Consumer Research, 31 (December)
- Chernev, Alexander (2004) “Extremeness Aversion and Attribute-Balance Effects in Choice,” Journal of Consumer Research, 31 (September)
- Chernev, Alexander (2004), “Goal-Attribute Compatibility in Consumer Choice,” Journal of Consumer Psychology, 14 (1&2)
- Chernev, Alexander (2001), “The Impact of Common Features on Consumer Preferences: A Case of Confirmatory Reasoning,” Journal of Consumer Research, 27 (March)
- Chernev, Alexander (1997), “The Effect of Common Features on Brand Choice: Moderating Role of Attribute Importance,” Journal of Consumer Research, 23 (March)