Strategic Brand Management

Strategic Brand Management Alexander Chernev

Strategic Brand Management outlines a systematic approach to understanding the key principles of building strong brands. This book offers a cohesive framework for brand management, highlighting the distinct role of brands in creating market value. Topics covered include crafting a compelling value proposition, designing brand attributes, developing impactful communication campaigns, managing brand portfolios, cobranding, brand repositioning, managing brands over time, protecting the brand, measuring brand impact, and creating a strategic brand management plan. Clear, concise, and practical, Strategic Brand Management is the definitive text on building strong brands.

Book Information
Published January 2025 (4th edition) | ISBN: 9781936572861 (Paperback); 9781936572878 (Hardcover) | Apple Books | Google Books
Bookstores can place orders with Ingram or Cerebellum Press
Permissions can be obtained from, Study.Net, XanEdu, and Cerebellum Press

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Table of Contents
Strategic Brand Management contains eleven chapters organized into four main sections as follows:

  • Part I: The Framework for Brand Management
    Brands and Brand Management (Chapter 1)
    Brands as a Tool for Creating Value (Chapter 2)
  • Part II: Building the Brand
    Developing the Brand Strategy (Chapter 3)
    Designing the Brand (Chapter 4)
    Communicating the Brand (Chapter 5)
  • Part III: Growing the Brand
    Crafting the Brand Architecture (Chapter 6)
    Managing Brands Over Time (Chapter 7)
    Protecting the Brand (Chapter 8)
  • Part IV: Brand Analysis and Planning
    Evaluating Brand Impact (Chapter 9)
    Developing a Strategic Brand Management Plan (Chapter 10)