Why Gillette’s New Razor Is Good for Procter & Gamble
Super Bowl Ads: The Good, the Weird, and the Ugly
Speed is online retail’s new frontier
A Visit from Mondelez International’s Irene Rosenfeld
Blackberry and Best Buy: Two Super Bowl Ad Fumbles
Walmart ads a glimpse of Facebook’s future
Why Wal-Mart Likes Facebook, at Least During the Holidays
How Much Is a Twinkie Worth?
Two Questions Haunting J.C. Penney
Why an Amazon Phone Makes Sense … for Amazon
Could Facebook Become the New Coke?
Why Everyday Low Pricing Might Not Fit J.C. Penney
Why Everyone Wants a Piece of Facebook’s IPO: Insights From Behavioral Economics
Why Apple’s E-Book Pricing Model Might Not Be Unfair
Rethinking Gillette’s Pricing With Dollar Shave’s Disruptive Innovation
What’s in a Name? Krafting the Mondelez Brand
Solving the iPad Name Conundrum
Can JC Penney Become ‘America’s Favorite Store?