Strategic Marketing Management: The Framework

Strategic Marketing Management: The Framework is a streamlined marketing management and marketing strategy textbook. An abridged version of Strategic Marketing Management: Theory and Practice,this book focuses on the core marketing frameworks, principles, and concepts. It features fewer chapters, which are also slightly shorter and do not include marketing insights sections following each chapter. This book is designed for accelerated MBA, Executive MBA, and Executive Education courses. Because it outlines an overarching framework for marketing analysis, planning, and management, this book is also a perfect complement to case-based courses and can be used as a basis for case analysis and in-class discussion.
Book Information
Published January 2019 (10th edition) | ISBN: 9781936572595
Paperback: Amazon | Barnes & Noble
eBook: Kindle | Apple Books | Google Books
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Book Figures
– The Framework for Marketing Management: Keynote | PowerPoint
– Developing a Marketing Strategy: Keynote | PowerPoint
– Designing the Marketing Tactics: Keynote | PowerPoint
– Managing Growth: Keynote | PowerPoint
– Marketing Toolbox: Keynote | PowerPoint

Table of Contents
Strategic Marketing Management: The Framework contains sixteen chapters and two appendixes organized into five main sections as follows:

  • Part I: The Framework for Marketing Management
    Marketing as a Business Discipline (Chapter 1)
    Marketing Strategy and Tactics (Chapter 2)
    Marketing Planning and Management (Chapter 3)
  • Part II: Developing a Marketing Strategy
    Identifying Target Customers (Chapter 4)
    Developing a Customer Value Proposition (Chapter 5)
    Creating Company Value (Chapter 6)
  • Part III: Designing Value
    Managing Products (Chapter 7)
    Managing Services (Chapter 8)
    Managing Brands (Chapter 9)
    Managing Price (Chapter 10)
    Managing Incentives (Chapter 11)
  • Part IV: Communicating and Delivering Value
    Managing Communication (Chapter 12)
    Managing Distribution Channels (Chapter 13)
  • Part V: Managing Growth
    Gaining and Defending Market Position (Chapter 14)
    Developing New Market Offerings (Chapter 15)
    Managing Product Lines (Chapter 16)
  • Part VI: Marketing Toolbox
    Segmentation and Targeting Workbook (Appendix A)
    The Business Model Workbook (Appendix B)

Prior Editions
Ninth Edition (January 2018) | ISBN: 9781936572502 | | Barnes & Noble | Apple Books | Google Books
Eighth Edition (June 2014) | ISBN: 9781936572199 | | Barnes & Noble | iTunes |  Google Books

Compare the 10th Edition with 8th and 9th Editions
The 10th edition is designed to provide an easy transition for users of the 8th and the 9th editions. The core principles, terminology, and frameworks are the same. The main purpose of the new edition is to provide a clearer and more streamlined presentation of the material. The total number of chapters has been reduced from 20 to 16 (plus two appendixes), with each chapter providing a more in-depth discussion of the material. Overall, the 10th edition is 20 pages longer than the 9th edition (mainly due to the addition of the chapter on managing services and more comprehensive coverage of the key strategic concepts). The titles, content, and sequence of the chapters in the 10th edition correspond to those in the 8th and 9th editions, except for the following changes:

  • Chapter 7 from the 9th edition is now incorporated in Chapter 6 and Chapter 13 in the 10th edition
  • Chapters 14 and 15 from the 9th edition are now combined into a single chapter (Chapter 14) in the 10th edition
  • Chapter 20 from the 9th edition is now incorporated in Chapter 5 in the 10th edition
  • Chapters 18 and 19 from the 9th edition are listed as Appendixes A and B in the 10th edition
  • Chapter 8 from the 9th edition is divided into two chapters (Chapters 7 and 8) in the 10th edition

Most of the above changes aim to streamline the materail and organize it in a presentation-friendly format. The theory, concepts, and examples presented in the 10th edition, while updated and enriched, are consistent with those in the previous editions. This constency facilitates the transition from the 8th and the 9th editions to the new edition.

Compare the 10th Edition with Strategic Marketing Management: Theory and Practice
The 10th Edition of Strategic Marketing Management: The Framework is an abridged version of Strategic Marketing Management: Theory and Practice. It aims to familiarize readers with the core marketing frameworks, principles, and concepts without going into too much detail on the some of the more specific aspects of marketing management. Consequently, it has fewer chapters (16 vs. 20) which are more succinct and do not include in-depth discussions of specific marketing issues following each chapter. The content not included in Strategic Marketing Management: The Framework involves chapters on understanding customers, gathering market insights, personal selling, retail management, and customer relationship management, as well as the appendix containing sample marketing plans. Overall, the 10th Edition of Strategic Marketing Management: The Framework is about half the sizeof Strategic Marketing Management: Theory and Practice, which makes is suitable for accelerated MBA, Executive MBA, and Executive Education courses.